Lightbox Plus permits users to view larger versions of images from the current page and display simple slide shows, all in an overlay.
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Lightbox Plus Colorbox 2.7.2 (126983 downloads )
Lightbox Plus Colorbox 2.8 (5874 downloads )
Lightbox Plus implements ColorBox as a lightbox image overlay tool for WordPress. ColorBox was created by Jack Moore of Color Powered and is licensed under the MIT License. Lightbox Plus permits users to view larger versions of images without having to leave the current page, and is also able to display simple slide shows. The use of the dark or light background, which dims the page over which the image has been overlaid, also serves to highlight the image being viewed. Lightbox Plus captures the image title for display in the overlay. Lightbox Plus is able to lightbox images displayed using WordPress build in gallery.
Lightbox Plus uses WordPress’s built in jQuery library.
Read the FAQ first if you are having problems.
- WordPress 2.8+
- PHP 5+ (Recommended)
Support for PHP 4 has been completely removed – DO NOT UPDATE if you want Lightbox Plus to work with PHP 4.
- IE 7+, FireFox 2+, Chrome, Safari 3+, Opera 8+
Note that getting the caption to appear in the overlay image by using the caption options built into WordPress Lightbox Plus uses the image title which is generated by “Edit Image Title” field and not the “Edit Caption Field.” You can also manually add lightbox tags to your images using the following instructions.
- Add a rel=”lightbox[uniqueID|filename]” attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox, include a name between square brackets in the rel attibute. For example:
image #1
Optional: Use the title attribute if you want to show a caption.
- If you have a set of related images that you would like to group, follow step one but additionally include a group name between square brackets in the rel attribute. For example:
image #1 image #2 image #3
Lightbox Plus for WordPress Demos
Frequently Asked Questions
Change Log
Special Thanks
- Dirk Schmitz (for pointing out an obvious bug that I kept overlooking)
- Michael Sheehan and Helena Hultén for constinued support and testing.
- Ken Williams (for testing version 1.5)
- Bart Lauwers of GenThree
- navjotsingh (for bug fix in gellery shortcode with version 1.6.x)
- Milan Petrovic for some quick debugging of version 2.0 admin panel and for pointing out an issue with the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser.
- Melanie Sallis for needing a lightbox for her site which prompted me to create this plugin
- Jack Moore for creating the awesome jQuery plugin, ColorBox, and everyone who has contributed to the support in developing this plugin.
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For support please submit a support request though the support form. For questions or comments please post a message in the Lightbox Plus forum on my site.
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