I know there have been a lot of questions about issues with Lightbox Plus. I’m currently trying to track down the cause for most of them. I’ll try to answer what I can here and hopefully have some resolution for the other issue soon. I’m working on completing a project that is taking up most of my coding time but as I am going to be using Lightbox Plus in this project I will soon be concentrating effort on improving it and hopefully solving the remaining issues.
A bug was pointed out to me recently that may be causing issues with IE – I’m going to correct that and hopefully that will solve some of the problems people have been having.
Issues with the lightbox tags rel=lightbox
not showing up is probably due to the Image Title or Image Caption not being set. Images added prior to LB+ installation may or may not have them. Images added in older versions of WordPress (2.3-) probably won’t have them.
I have just released another version that correct a definite IE error with Lightbox Plus so please let me know if this solves your issue. It may also correct the issue with the Loading and Close image paths as well.
Get it here: [Download not found]
Hi there, First: thanks for your hard work. I’ve been using
Lightbox for a short time now, but I think it’s a great plugin and
it adds some extra class to my site. Since the most recent update
it’s not working anymore though. I updated WordPress to 2.8, then
lightbox to 1.5. As gallery-program I’m using laziest gallery. It
worked great before the updates and now I don’t get a nice box
anymore when viewing photo’s. If you like, you could check it at my
site under “Foto’s”. There are some galleries there. I reset all
settings, then checked the right boxes again. I checked the
gallery-script, everything is still installed. Could this problem
have to do with your most recent update? Sincerely, – Michiel
I just discovered that issue myself. Unfortunately I can’t fix it
until tomorrow. It’s only affecting gallery plugins at this time
and it’s due to the way Lightbox Plus modifies the page content
during output. The gallery plugins output image separately from
WordPress’s image output and there is a class that is not being
added. If you have a way to add custom classes to your gallery
output add <code>class=”imagebox”</code> and it should
work. I’m going to remove the need for the class probably tomorrow
or Monday. Thanks for letting me know.