I have a number of new features in the works for Lightbox Plus for WordPress and I thought I’d go ahead and mention some of them here now. I was hoping to release the version today or tomorrow but it looks like it’s probably going to be later in the week. In any event I have the following items planned.
Lightbox Positioning
An option to set fixed positioning that will keep the lightobox centered in the visitor’s viewport while scrolling the page. Also the option to specify the horizontal and vertical position of the lightbox on the page.
Lightbox Plus Interface
Option to turn on or off grouping labels, and a fix for the grouping labels not always saving when changed. Option to turn of scroll bars even if content overflows the lightbox. And finally and option to open the lightbox immediately when a visitor lands on the page.
Inline Lightboxes
Ability to set additional option for them such as Overlay Opacity, Overlay Close, Transition Type and Resize Speed.
Lightbox Plus for WordPress Admin Interface
I intend to reorganize some of the elements of the WordPress admin interface to provide a more consistent experience for users and make it easier to find settings.
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