I’m looking for some folks to beta test the upcoming version of Lightbox Plus (v.2.5). It’s undergone some major changes and I’d like to do a little extra testing with it. I’m also looking for some people who might be willing to translate Lightbox Plus into other languages.
Please contact me using one of the following links to let me know if you are interested in beta-testing or translating or both.
See after the jump for details of the new changes.
Upcoming changes to version 2.5
- Added positioning options
- Absolute top, right. bottom, left positioning. Now able to specify horizontal and vertical position in viewport as opposed to center only.
- Fixed positioning that allows lightbox stays on page when scrolled.
- Rebuilt interface
- Changed interface to a combination of collapsible and tabbed to make it more concise and usable
- Separate settings into logical groups within tabs
- Added enhanced instructions and details of usage.*
- Improved and updated demos and tests.*
- Page/Post Options
- Auto launch on page. If auto-launch is set Lightbox Plus will automatically open the first lightboxed item on the page.*
- Per page loading. Ff per page options are set Lightbox JavaScript will only load for specified pages.
- Blog/posts only loading. if per page options are set Lightbox JavaScript will only load for specified pages.
- Image grouping
- Added more control over image grouping
- Fixed image X of X problem, can disable Image X of X
- Scrolling If ‘false’ ColorBox will hide scrollbars for overflowing content. This could be used on conjunction with the resize method (see below) for a smoother transition if you are appending content to an already open instance of ColorBox.
- Updated ColorBox to verion 1.3.18
- Fixed a regression where Flash content displayed in ColorBox would be reloaded if the browser window was resized.
- Added safety check to make sure that ColorBox’s markup is only added to the DOM a single time, even if $.colorbox.init() is called multiple times. This will allow site owners to manually initialize ColorBox if they need it before the DOM has finished loading.
- Updated the example index.html files to be HTML5 compliant.
- Changed the slideshow behavior so that it immediately moves to the next slide when the slideshow is started.
- Minor regex bugfix to allow automatic detection of image URLs that include fragments.
- Numerous bug fixes
- Fixed use WP Caption option. Works with singles images and WordPress built in galleries now.
- Fixed text links getting lightboxed even of option is not set.
- Fixed many small issues and text errors.*
* Still in progress
1/ In comparison to “jQuery Colorbox”, LightBox does not offer hiding of flesh objects (“hide embedded flesh objects behind the Clorbox layer”). Do you plan to add it to the new version?
2/ I am interested to test the beta version (positioning of box is important item)
I will see if it is withing scope to add hiding of flash objects in the next version.
Enter an option for integration and publication of image galleries on facebook and twitter 😉