CISPA: Say Hello to Big Brother! Please Share! You share all sorts of silly stuff and important stuff but unless you want the government know what those things are you might want to take action now!
The privacy-destroying Internet bill (CISPA) goes to vote this Monday (4/23/12), and without massive resistance from the American people,it’s expected to be passed. [8:01]

We need to start contacting our Representatives in Congress directly. Please Share!
More lines of Action after the jump!
- A list of ways to easily contact every company that supports CISPA.
Social Networking
- Permanently Delete Facebook
- Due to popular demand – I’m closing my FB account posters (PSD included)
- If you dont like Google+ check out Diaspora
Electronic Frontier Foundation
- EFF: Tweet at your Representatives in Congress
- EFF: Don’t Let Congress Use “Cybersecurity” Fears to Trample on Civil Liberties
(sends a postcard to your reps)
- Avaaz Petition to Congress to kill CISPA. Currently on 651,000 signatures
- Avaaz Petition: To Facebook, Microsoft and IBM – immediately drop your support for the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)
Demand Progress
- Tell Facebook: Withdraw Your Support For CISPA | Demand Progress
- CISPA Is The New SOPA: Help Kill It
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