I’ve just updated Lightbox Plus to version which addresses some IE issues that slipped through as well as a glaring issue with the way the backend code rendered JavaScript for the front end. I also discovered that is was not possible to save setting if you were using SSL for the adminstration side of WordPress. Change log after the jump.
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Outstanding Lightbox Plus Issues
There are a couple of outstanding issue with Lightbox Plus that I hope to address this weekend.
- Can’t change to another style besides shadowed.
- IE specfic stylesheets not loading correctly in shadowed and elegant themes.
I will have these fixed this weekend and release version addressing both of those issues.
Lightbox Plus version 1.6.9 Released
I’ve just released version 1.6.9 of Lightbox Plus. It addresses a couple of issue that became apparent rather quickly. Here’s the changelog:
- Fixed problem with styles in IE 6/7/8 not working under various circumstnaces (hopefully)
- Added the option to disable Lightbox Plus from adding it’s own styles allowing the user to place Lightbox/Colorbox styles in their theme stylesheet and reduce number of files loading.
You can find downloads for Lightbox Plus at wordpress.org and 23systems or download [Download not found] directly.
If you require support you can go to the Lightbox Plus message board.
New Lightbox Plus Release, version 1.6.8
Lightbox Plus version 1.6.8 has been released. It fixes several issue such as the double rel=lightbox[]
tag that was being generated. I also fixed some issues with the style sheets especially the back end style sheet for the admin panel and the IE 6 specific style sheets in some of the themes.
The main new feature that I added was the ability to auto-lightbox links to images that did not have an image in the link (i.e. text links to images.) I also added additional control over the width and height of images which can allow for interesting display options and different handling for long text.
Lightbox Plus now also works with WordPress MU. It has been tested with version 2.9.2 of WordPress MU and works quite well. It can be enabled globally or individually.
Full list of changes below.
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Support Forums Back Up
After a lot of wrestling with bbPress I finally got the message forums back up and running. There were three plugins that were causing various problems ranging from a 500 error on the server to screwing with the output on the pages and causing html not to be rendered. They were promising plugins and I will look at them again in the futrure – adSense for bbPress, bb SEO Tools, and Google Sitemap Generator. In any even I’m happy to have that problem behind me for now and hope that people will continue to make use of the message boards.
Support Boards are Down
For some irritating and unknown reason the support boards are down right now giving a 500 error for no obvious reason. If anyone has any bright ideas I’d certainly be happy to entertain them. Will post when they are working again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Speeding Up WordPress
Over the past week or so as part of the project I am working on I wanted to speed up a WordPress site that is being used as a CMS. During this process I discovered a two methods (well three technically) that can be used to dramatically shorten the load time for content and speed up WordPress. These tweaks will only work with Apache though they may work on a Windows version of Apache it has not been tested. One method only requires editing your template files while the other requires that you are able to edit your .htaccess
file. The first two methods work by compressing data before sending it and the third uses plugins that do a variety of things to speed up WordPress.
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FLIR for WordPress v0.8.9.1 – Updates Facelift, admin panel, speed improvements, Javascript Loading
I’m pleased to announce the release of Facelift Image Replacemen for WordPress version Among other things Flir for WordPress includes and update to Facelift bringing it up to version 2.0b3, all JavaScript has been move to the footer to improve load speed, the admin panel has been updated for ease of use and quick links to support, general speed improvements to Facelift and FLIR for WordPress have been incorporated.
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Lightbox Plus 1.6.7 – Auto-lightbox images missing title, Interface updates
I’m pleased to announce the release of Lightbox Plus 1.6.7 for WordPress. Change log details are below.
- Added fix to auto-lightbox images that are missing title attributes (Thanks Jörn)
- This primarily affects images that were placed using older verisons of WordPress
- Interface updates
- Changed admin panel to work that same way as my other plugins and thereby ease code maintainence
- Quick links in plugins list
- Added additiona support and FAQ links to admin panel
- Readme and faq update
- Actually includes ColorBox 1.3.6 which some how was replaced by 1.3.1 in last release (1.6.6) for which I apologize.
- Includes
for language translations for interested parties.
You can download it from wordpress.org or 23systems download [Download not found] directly.
As usual you can get support at the Lightbox Plus message board.
Lightbox Plus 1.6.6 – JavaScript in footer, load speed improvement, Colorbox Update
I’m pleased to announce the release of Lightbox Plus 1.6.6 for WordPress. Change log details are below.
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